Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Life of Pi - Viewer's Guides Now Online

As far as mainstream cinema goes, few movies are more thoroughly theological than Ang Lee's Life of Pi. Few movies are as beautiful to watch, or as technically well-crafted. Few movies have generated more discussion as to their meaning, either (see the 2,600 comments at Life of Pi won four Oscars this year, and should have won the Best Picture Oscar as well.

I will be screening Life of Pi at the Western National Leadership Training event (WNLT) in Jackson, Wyoming October 10, and have prepared both a five-page Viewer's Guide, with summary, theological overview, and discussion questions; and a 17-page close reading with theological analysis (the "long" guide contains both the viewer's guide and analysis). The guides can be downloaded at:

[Links were no longer operational as of 1/10/14. For copies, contact me directly at]